
Can leadership be learned? How does leadership work in flat hierarchies?


Develop leadership ability

Leadership happens in groups anyway, because some members have a goal in mind and others are happy when someone gives orientation. It can be located in a role or emerge through the initiative of individuals. Leadership can be a natural talent.

Professional leadership consists of being aware of your own values and actions and influencing yourself and others in a goal-oriented manner: whether in individual steps or at the level of common values and goals.


Possible topics

  • New in your leadership role
  • Leading my team to success
  • Leading through change
  • Change of management/leadership transition
  • Better decision-making and implementation
  • Leadership agility - leading in the VUCA world

Ultimately, it's never just about a quick fix with tools. It's about a holistic approach to developing the leader as a person.

Andreas T. Schaffron, BPO


Training and

On the one hand, in leadership training and coaching we work on your specific leadership questions. On the other hand, we support you in further expanding your leadership ability for the future. In doing so, natural group dynamics are not an obstacle but a learning arena that can be directly utilized. And proven theories will be applied straight away.